Tag Archives: images

Cats? Dogs? Or Cats & Dogs?

A Tender Moment
Stephanie via Compfight

 Most people I know like animals. Many LOVE animals. And those who love animals  often have a cat or a dog–or both–or many of both!–for family pets. Sometimes, they have strong feelings about which make better pets, felines or canines.

This week students shared their preferences for these special animal companions, supporting their stance with a list of reasons.   They made their posts pop with Flickr Creative Commons images which they inserted using the Compfight widget. Students are beginning to understand that to use someone else’s creations (writing, photos, audio, video, etc.) you have to have permission and give the person credit (attribution) for their work.

So take a look at these terrific new posts. Click on the names below. Looks like there is a definite bias in favour of barking and panting over meowing and purring.

     Cats      Cats
& Dogs   














Brooke L. 










Tyler B



Tyler M.

Brooke J.




But you have your own opinions, I bet! So agree, disagree, and share you thoughts. These bloggers are waiting to hear from you!

*If you leave a comment, and you have a blog, please include your blog address with your comment (ie ryliez13.edublogs.org) so we can visit you. Thanks!*

Playing with Glocal

We had a bit of artistic play time this week, with some creative results. We used photo manipulation software that we were given many years ago by an organization called Arts Umbrella as part of the Glocal Project. Using the built-in webcam on our Netbooks, we captured images, layered and manipulated them and–Voila! What do you think? What do you notice about these images? Please check out the student blogs for other examples of Huzzahnian creativity.


King and Ace by Evan


Seeing Red by Ethan

Seeing Red by Ethan

Many-Me  by Tengis

Many-Me by Tengis

Hearts by Mia

Heart of Hearts by Mia

Blogging friends, have you ever used photo manipulation software or apps before? Do you like photography? Perhaps you have some tips for us. We look forward to reading your comments.


Zoom Out

When I first saw the film below (and we called it a film, and it did wind reel to reel), I was in Mr. McGuffin’s Grade 5 class. It blew my 10-year-old mind. I still find it such a compelling translation of our understanding of the universe, such as it was in the late 1960’s. It is a wonderful device, that zooming thing.

So I got quite excited when I read about Zoom Posts from Dragon on Miss Wyatt’s Student Blogging Challenge blog. How clever! How fun! To make this creative commenting game work, you need to play by the simple rules:

  • Choose an image. (Creative Commons licensed and attributed, of course, if it is not your own photograph). Think of an image that is a starting point, something from which a viewer can move back to see more of the story.
  • Invite your readers to “zoom out” of the the scene to reveal what else they imagine is also a part of the story.
  • Commenters are obliged to read previous comments and carry the storyline is a sense-preserving way.
  • If you’d like a great example of how the story can evolve, check out this one about a Dr. Pepper can and this one about a keyboard.
  • Make sure you tag your post Zoom Post to make it searchable, and link to the Student Challenge blog.
  • And yes, you can comment on your own Zoom Post–but leave room for your readers, too!

So readers, what is the story here? Update! The tale is now told–Read the exciting of saga of Molly and the Chocolate Cake–now closed for comments as we have reached the end of the story!

Three Layer Cake

Image credit: Miniature Dollhouse Food -Three Layer Cake by Stephanie Kilgast


Miniature Dollhouse Food - Three Layer Cake


Our Name in Pictures

Many I have a word with you?

Pastry Cutter H u Pastry Cutter Z Z A Alphabet Block h

There are many clever tools created by designers that use images.  The tool that made our name in pictures is called Spell With Flickr. It was developed by a 28-year-old programmer from Springfield, New Jersey named Erik Kastner. We will link to his site soon. He created a program that chooses letters from a pool (collection) of pictures on Flickr. We will learn more about the site which allows users to load and share pictures. The pictures are published under Creative Commons licenses. This will be important to you when you start using and sharing images.

H Pastry Cutter U Münster coloured card disc letter z a-spo H

In the mean time, what do you think of these? Which one do your prefer–and why?

I would have included the exclamation mark, but there wasn’t room on our page
