When you are brand new to something and you want to grow, you can look up to others for examples and guidance. The 2015-16 nest of newbie bloggers doesn’t have to go far to find good models of how to blog well–we have seven years of Huzzahnian Grads to show us how to hatch and grow a blog. From them we can learn much about writing interesting, thoughtful posts, designing inviting blog pages, and commenting in a way that creates a conversation.
Your task:
First, read the Commenting Guidelines written by past Huzzahnians. They capture the big ideas about commenting. They set the standard that we will go by here.
Next, start reading and noticing quality in the blog posts below–you don’t have to read them all–pick one or two. Read the comments below them:
***These are retired blogs; please don’t comment on them as the bloggers likely won’t reply.***
(Are you noticing that blogging is about reading, first?)
Finally, in your comment below: Share one commenting guideline that you think is particularly important and why it is so. (*Hint:* You may have to use the word because.) Then tell us about a post that you read: give the blogger’s name and post title AND a one sentence summary of the content. Then say what you found interesting or inspiring, and showed quality in blogging to you. Also share what you discovered about the comments you read–do they follow commenting guidelines? (Hmm, your comment is going to be five or more sentences long…one might almost call it a paragraph!)
Huzzahnians, remember to copy your comment into your Google doc. Soon you’ll be ready to hatch a blog of your own!
Visitors, if you think you have an exemplary post we should read, include the url (address) in your comment and we will visit and comment.