We had the honour of welcoming Miss Wyatt–international superstar of the edublogging world–to our classroom, along with her four-legged friend Davo the Tasmanian Devil. We had a lovely chat about the wonders of Tasmania and she described for us her grand North American Adventure. Since leaving us, he has already written a post about her visit to our class, Mrs. Braidwood’s class and the Comox Valley.
Davo met Mac the Huzzahnian Chicken, and we all had a photo op. We look fab!
Miss Wyatt showered us with gifts! Aussie stamps, books on Tasmania and about “Tassie Devils”, which Mac enjoyed immensely.
And–what’s this? a tube of Vegemite. It’s a popular spread for toast. Popular in Australia, that is.
We got out the crackers, did a little spreading, and sniffing, and some of us had a taste. Then we did some writing.
“The container looks like a small yellow tube of toothpaste. I thought the paste would look like garlic spread, white with specks of green in it. But to my surprise, it looked like chocolate.” –Chelsey
“When I got my Vegemite, it blobbed out of the tube onto my cracker. I had expected it to be humus colored, but it turned out to be a dark, blackish brown goop, sort of like melted chocolate. Before I ate it, I thought that it might have a peanut butter-like texture. I thought that it would taste like peas, cucumber and asparagus mixed in a blender. I was wrong!” –Jared
“Vegemite is a good source of Vitamin B and Folate and is made from fermented yeast, a component found in bread. Funnily enough, Vegemite is usually served on bread. Yeast is grown on barley, by the way. Want some more big words? Vegamite includes Niacin, Thiamine and Riboflavin, three minerals/vitamins that are good for you (maybe…).” –Griffin
Some positive reviews and enthusiasm:
“I thought Vegemite would be yellow and like peanut butter, and I thought it would be very yummy. Well, I was right that it’s yummy. But it is nothing like peanut butter–it’s dark black like chocolate. I thought it was super yummy, delicious, but most of the other kids thought it was very different.” –Kyle
Some dubious faces:
Some were, well, not fans of Vegemite.
More reviews:
“Vegemite, a gift from the devil. The outside looks like a fattened bottle of tooth paste colored bumble bee yellow, with Vegemite printed big and bold on the front. But don’t be fooled by the outside, it’s the inside that’s the horror.” –Colton
“Apparently it’s been made since 1923 by Kraft foods (sorry Kraft! I like your dinner!) so it must be an acquired taste. However it is not a taste I wish to acquire! This was an off-putting experience, an experience that I wouldn’t do again.” –Colt
“I can tell that I had my salty face on and my sour face on. I could just feel myself starting to swallow and as I did slowly my face was turning up side down and my taste buds stood up right away. Then I knew I didn’t like it. I was in shock! –Julia
“It squelches out of the tube with the consistency of a slug and smells like manure mixed with a dash of burning rubber. According to hapless victims of Vegemite it is very salty. When the Vegemite was placed on my cracker I froze, the blood drained from my face and I shoved my bile back down my throat but only succeeded in making my throat burn. I would rather eat mulched toads than Vegemite. It looks like the offspring of a failed science experiment on the cracker, *sigh*.” –Max
We did have fun with experiment, and as you can tell it let led to some great writing. Have you ever tasted anything from another country that was new to you? What was it like? What do Canadians eat that is unique to our country? And if you are an international guest, what food is part of your national identity?
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!