Tag Archives: commenting

Comment like a Pro!

We have been reading and commenting on blogs for about a month and the experience is helping us become professional in our approach to blogging. We are learning and connecting with each comment we write, receive, and reply to. Here are some of the essentials of commenting, according to Huzzahnian bloggers.

World neighbours, did we miss anything? Please add your thoughts on quality commenting. 

Huzzahnians, search our blogroll and past commenters–who comments like a pro? Write a comment about them and tell why, and link to their blog–today is our first day to play with html code. Read Sue Water’s how-to on making a link in a comment, then you’ll know what to do with this  <a href=”https://huzzah.edublogs.org/”>on our class blog!</a>

Bonne chance!


Stop! Don’t Talk to Me!


Dot hand

I’m not that interesting. The action is really next door in the sidebar. Right there—> on the right—>in the sidebar.

Now, you may have come here because my good friend Miss Wyatt, that knitter of student bloggers, has told you to come and leave a comment. Not that you should ignore her direction–just consider yourself redirected.

So look right: there’s so much interesting reading. Words worth your time. Read some. Ponder some. Comment some.

Here is just a handful of what you’ll find:

  • Meghan gallops off on one of her favourite animals
  • Jack features a brave Greek who went after a monster
  • Matt tells you about two adorable four-legged friends
  • Arwen keeps you guessing
  • Liam ponders the universe
  • Kendra wraps up an exciting k9 adventure (you’ll want to read all four parts!)
  • Laina wonders about bad hair days
  • Keenan invites you into a Lego tale
  • Molly looks down and sees blue
  • Mathew discusses the future
  • Greyson rats out his teacher for being a loser
  • Charlie goes to the dogs
  • Max lols
  • Jordan makes me hungry
  • Darion does, too
  • Amber rolls the dice
  • Maya follows an amazing journey
  • Orion offers you a chocolate bar
  • Noah plays games
  • So does Daniel
  • Andrew plays on two wheels
  • Ethan plays on four wheels
  • Zach shares dog and cat stories
  • Jane reveals all about Larry
  • Reid remembers Summer fun
  • Jared, well, no surprise here: Jared talks about turtles

So, I am seriously serious.

Don’t talk to me, talk to the Huzzahnian bloggers. I am going to close the door on comments. Have a nice day.

Image: Dot hand by Tjook

‘Tis the (Halloween) Season

This post is written by Mr. Carmichael (Yes, that Mr. Carmichael!) over at Building Blocks. You’ll soon find a similar post at Mrs. Braidwood’s Ripple Effect and Mr. Ferneyhough’s Chili Sauce, too. Huzzahnians, I will be sending you to these blogs to comment and connect with our Valley neighbours. Visitors, please feel free to comment here or visit the blogs above and spread the blog luv around!

Do we just want to have fun? Or are we greedy?

Do we just want to have fun? Or are we greedy?

Halloween is this weekend. Regina’s Leader Post has some interesting information in its article.

  • Americans are prepared to spend $5.8 billion dollars on Halloween this year.
  • Two out of every five Americans are planning on wearing a costume this year.
  • The money will be spent on candy, decorations, and costumes for adults, children, and pets.
  • The average American will spend $66.28 on Halloween this year, even during these tough economic times.
  • This makes Halloween the second biggest money generator for Canadian and American businesses.  Halloween follows behind Christmas and leads Back to School for most money spent.

This raises some interesting questions for you to ponder….

Do these statistics surprise you? What do our spending habits around Halloween say about us as a culture?

Are you looking forward to Halloween? What has been your very best costume?  What is your favourite candy treat?  Do you eat your candy all at once or do you ration it, only eating a few pieces of candy a day?

Looking forward to your spooktacular comments!

Image: Candy Domo by matoutah

Trying Something On Your Own

We’ve been getting our techie groove on…

And it is quite amazing how far we have come! We’ve learned to read, comment, write, format, and publish, change our theme, and many other skills besides. We are about to learn something new: adding a blogroll. A blogroll is a list of links to other blogs to read. You can see our list of class blogs in the sidebar on the right. It a fast way to get to the blogs you like to read, and a good way to let others know whose blogs you are reading.

Once you set up your blogroll, visit Miss Wyatt, answer her survey, and write a comment on her blog.

Setting up your blogroll:

First, from your dashboard, go to Design > Widgets. Find Link in the left-hand column. Click the Add button if it has not already been selected.

These directions are adapted from this post by the brilliant Sue Waters.

  1. Your Edublog blog automatically comes with a blogroll in its sidebar.  All you need to do is Add or Delete links to change what blogs are displayed. To start your blogroll, first add Huzzah, then three classmates, then three from beyond our class.
  2. On your blog dashboard, go to Write > Links (look next to Post and  Page)
  3. Insert the name of the blog, its URL and click Blogroll, then press Save.
  4. Follow the pictures below:

Removing links you don’t use:

Edublogs comes with links already installed. To get rid of them, go to Manage > Links.  Click on the blog link you want to remove then click on Delete.

Remember, the first link on your blogroll should be our class blog!

Good luck with this; let me know how you do!