I’m new here.

3670465986_3ac609277d_oWhen you are brand new to something and you want to grow, you can look up to others for examples and guidance. The 2015-16 nest of newbie bloggers doesn’t have to go far to find good models of how to blog well–we have seven years of Huzzahnian Grads to show us how to hatch and grow a blog. From them we can learn much about writing interesting, thoughtful posts, designing inviting blog pages, and commenting in a way that creates a conversation.

Your task:

First, read the Commenting Guidelines written by past Huzzahnians. They capture the big ideas about commenting. They set the standard that we will go by here.

Next, start reading and noticing quality in the blog posts below–you don’t have to read them all–pick one or two. Read the comments below them:

***These are retired blogs; please don’t comment on them as the bloggers likely won’t reply.***

(Are you noticing that blogging is about reading, first?)

Finally, in your comment below: Share one commenting guideline that you think is particularly important and why it is so. (*Hint:* You may have to use the word because.) Then tell us about a post that you read: give the blogger’s name and post title AND a one sentence summary of the content. Then say what you found interesting or inspiring, and showed quality in blogging to you. Also share what you discovered about the comments you read–do they follow commenting guidelines?  (Hmm, your comment is going to be five or more sentences long…one might almost call it a paragraph!)

Huzzahnians, remember to copy your comment into your  Google doc.  Soon you’ll be ready to hatch a blog of your own!

Visitors, if you think you have an exemplary post we should read, include the url (address) in your comment and we will visit and comment.

Photo Credit: CaptPiper via Compfight cc


  1. Hello Mrs.Smith
    I think the most important thing is not to insult others. What you wrote will be there as proof to everyone of what you said. Honestly, I know I wouldn’t want to look at your comments if you wrote something rude. I don’t think anyone would.

    1. Oops! Forgot to write about the other blogs! Elysa’s blog, my sister’s blog, says she’d like to design clothes. She stopped persuing that one at least four years ago! But I can definatly see her as a CEO of a massive company. She could also be a soccer player. She doesn’t cook that often any more but that’s OK. I noticed how peoples comment showed that they read and cared about what she had to say. For example, one kid added to her jobs list, saying she’d be a great lawer. That kid was right. She can really be bossy and sort things out!

  2. Hey Mrs Smith

    That was a really nice introduction post for all of of us blogging newbies! Out of all of the posts, Charlie’s one was definitely my favourite, the list was awesome, I tried out number two last night! Giving him a thump on the head really mad him mad! So with the commenting guidelines I think that the most important is to think about you digital privacy, giving info to strangers can yield a plethora of problems that no one wants.

    Thank you for you time!

    1. I definitely agree! I tried out that one and the one where you squeal like a pig and start chasing him, and they both work very well. I also agree with your commenting guideline because if someone finds even a bit of information about you, they can find out stuff like where you live.


    2. Hi Nathan
      Too bad there wasn’t one for bugging your sister. I’m sure it would work very well hopefully your brother doesn’t find that blog or you might be in for not a very fun time.
      Good luck on bugging your brother!

  3. Hello everyone and Ms. Smith!

    The blog I read was Ethan’s on the Top 5 Video Games of All Time (In his opinion). I thought it was an interesting post because of the games he chose in his Top 5. The basic summary of the post was his favourite/Top 5 video games, self explanatory by the name of the title. When I get my blog I want to do the same kind of thing, that’s what I found inspiring. The other thing I found interesting was the comments, it was cool how other people were sharing their favourite games and why.


  4. Hi Ms. Smith,

    Thank you for giving me access to these others students blogs. I have read Charlie’s and Faith’s blogs and found both of the interesting in different ways. Charlie’s blog was quite hilarious and I have tried some of his tricks on my own brother and I can assure you that they work very well (especially the one where you run around a corner squealing like a pig). I like Maya’s blog because I gave me some ideas on some books that I could read. I have already read the Inheritance cycle and it was very good, but I would also like to read Airborne by Kenneth Oppel. I have read Silverwing and Firewing (also written by Kenneth Oppel) and enjoyed both of them so I would love to read that book. As for my commenting guideline I think that is is very important to have proper grammar and punctuation in your comments.


    1. Hello Connor,

      I agree on proper grammar and punctuation in your comments because, it shows respect to the reader and it shows professionalism. Too bad I cannot do the ’10 Ways To Annoy Your Brother in Creative Ways!’ because my sister wouldn’t take it well and she’s not a brother. But it would still be funny to do those on my brother when he comes from home from college.


      1. I like the part in your post about proper grammar because there are so many people who don’t know how to comment things in the right spelling or grammar. It bugs me lol but people who use poor grammar make it seem like they’re immature and haven’t learned to use proper grammar.

  5. Hello Ms. Smith,

    The blog that I read from the Huzzahian Grads was Elysa. Her title for her post was 10 Job That I Might Want To Have! I found her post really interesting because, She has some of the job that I would like to have when I am older! Some of the things that I found inspiring was that she wants to be a professional woman’s soccer player and I want to be that too! I saw quality it Elysa blog because she put lots of thought and effort and worked really hard on her writing!. I really enjoyed reading Elysa blog and I am even more exited to read more!

  6. Hello Ms. Smith,
    I agree with Nathan! Charlie’s post was the best and although I have not tried out any of the techniques yet, I will not only be using them on my brother but also my sister because of there alliance with each other.
    I love your banner at the top of the page and the fluent layout of information to new or first time bloggers like us. All of the tabs to other parts of the blog are really helpful to me and my fellow piers. I think the two most important guidelines to being a good blogger/commenter, are keeping your digital privacy and keeping the right tone in the conversation. Where you could be meaning to sound friendly or tease someone in playful way, on the post it could look like you are being rude or mean.

    Thank you for your time in reading my VERY long comment,

  7. Hi Ms. Smith
    I think it is awesome to show kids how to write a proper comment.
    most kids now use texting and stuff like that and say stuff like GTG (got to go), L8r (later) and LOL (laugh out loud). Anyways I think it was very nice of you to post something for people who are new at blogging.

  8. Hello Ms. Smith
    I have looked at Liam’s blog about gaming. When Liam posts something he stays on topic. It seems that he really likes gaming. I myself am a gamer to. I can under stand if People get mad when gaming because, they can’t pass a level or a challenge. Gaming can be distracting to people in there day le life. I should know it is no help with homework. In some of the comments people say, that they are happy about the video’s and posts Liam makes. Also it seems that they can’t what for the next post to come out, in my perspective. I may not have as many game’s to play but I love Liam’s blog.
    From kassy
    Thanks for explaining what to do.

  9. Hello Mrs.Smith

    I think that these are amazing commenting guidelines. And everyone that visits will know not what to comment. Hopefully we get to make are our own rules this year I don’t want mean people come here. I want this to be a safe environment for everyone. Hopefully we get more people to visit here this year.

    Thank you for your time Harley

    1. I agree with you Harley, they were pretty amazing commenting guidelines. I also think that it would be really neat to make our own guidelines though, that would ensure that this will be a totally secure place for everyone to enjoy

      – Nate

  10. Hi Ms. Smith

    Thanks for showing me and the rest of us some of the previous students blogs.
    The two I liked the most is Charlie’s and Liam’s, although I don’t have any siblings I still liked the (10 ways to annoy your brother in creative ways) post on Charlie’s blog. I also liked Liam’s Pets post and his game time posts I actually have one of the games he blogged about for my PS3. I also Skype with Liam a lot.
    I hope that I have represented good understanding of the commenting guide lines.

    B Bye!

    1. Hi Ben,

      I toataly agree with your favourite two blog posts. I thought that Liam’s blog about his pets was quite interesting. I think that it would be super cool to have a snake as a pet, and looking at the picture Buttercup is the perfect name. I also enjoyed charlies blog. I think that you would have lots of fun testing this, but beacuase you dont have a brother you can’t, but you can believe me when I say that they work. If you had a brother which of the methods would you try?


      1. Hey Connor

        Out of all the methods my favourite method would have to be number 3.
        Where he walks around the corner and you start squealing like a pig and chase him around. I can only imagine the glory of the face they would make.

        1. Hi Ben,

          That method is also my favourite! I can tell you that my brother’s face was definitely quite glorious, and I think that you would have a good laugh about it. Just in case you want someone to try these methods on, I would be happy to lend you my brother for a little bit. Maybe a long bit.


  11. Hi Ms. Smith,

    I read 10 ways to annoy your brother on Charlies blog, I think that its really funny that about 6 of those things I do to my sister. Its pretty much what all siblings do! I think he has a very nice blog and i will probably read a lot of his later posts. My favorite one is number 8 because I really like to scare my sister and i will definitely use that one.

    Thank you ~ Brooke L.

  12. Hello Ms. Smith,
    I personally think that sharing personal information is wrong cause random people can get a hold of this information and come for us. I agree to all rules but I think everyone should realize that personal information can get out quickly. If you have Social Media. If I post things with my face I make it private, so I have to approve who can see my information. I always make sure it’s someone I know before letting them follow me. Everyone has to know that when you think you have a “internet friend” you need to know that internet friends are not good. They may be lying to you to get your information. You need to be careful with who your talking to.

    My favourite blog was probably Charlie’s. I tried the turning around the corner like a pig squealing pig and it worked! My little brother was really annoyed. Every one’s blogs were awesome but Charlie’ds is my favourite

  13. Hi Ms.Smith,
    I read Greyson’s blog about the German tank the King Tiger. The article tells you why the tank was made,where it’s weak spots were and how big it was. One guideline I think should be followed is no insults. If you don’t agree with what the blogger said you should be polite about it.

  14. Hi Ms. Smith,
    I think that sharing personal information is a bad idea because a random stranger could find your info and find out where you live or go to school etc. I know from someone I know that their personal info got out to a bad person. Especially if you have social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. There are a few people out there who will try to get your information.

    My favourite blog was Charlie’s because I tried multiple of his ways to annoy your brother. They worked great!
    Thank you- Tyler M.

  15. Hello Ms. Smith,

    The blog that I read from the Huzzahian Grads was Elysa . Her title for her post was 10 Job That I Might Want To Have! I found her post really interesting because, She has some of the job that I would like to have when I am older! Some of the things that I found inspiring was that she wants to be a professional woman’s soccer player and I want to be that too!!!!!! I saw quality it Elysa blog because she put lots of thought and effort and worked really hard on her writing!. I really enjoyed reading Elysa blog and I am even more exited to read more!

  16. Hi Mrs. Smith
    I think the most important commenting guidelines is to stay on topic, because some people say the most random things and after a while it can get very annoying. I was reading Greyson’s
    blog. It was about how unbeatable the king tigers where. I thought it was cool to learn about all the old World War ll tanks. He must know a lot of things about tanks. The commenters also seemed very interested.


    1. I agree with making people stay on topic, people can say the most random things! its totally absurd and inappropriate. Greysons blog about the tanks was also really interesting!


  17. Hello Mrs. Smith!
    Personally, I think that a good comment should have a polite greeting. If your first sentence isn’t worth reading, neither is the rest of your comment. Or so it might seem from the point of view of the blogger or the person reading it.
    I read two blog posts from past Huzzanians, and found them pretty cool.I read Ethan’s post on video games, and Sophie’s post on pens and writing.
    I found Ethan’s cool because I don’t play video games very much, but whenever I’m at my cousin’s house, I often watch them, and sometimes play, their video games. I recognized some games like Super Smash Bros and Minecraft. I have played them, and they are really fun.
    Sophie’s post was cool, because I agreed with her. My favourite classroom tool is definitely a pen. I love the smoothness and how it floats across the page. I use pens all the time, and take great pride in knowing that my pens are ballpoint and beautiful.
    I am super excited about starting my own blog! I actually have a blog at home that my dad set up for me, but I don’t often post things.
    I saw some weird comments from some other people, obviously not from our class, but even so, they weren’t following any of the guidelines. But, I take pity on those people. Before I was in this class and before I learned about the commenting guidelines, I wasn’t any good at commenting. I was typing things like, “that’s a cool post!” or “awesome sauce.” and I have to admit, that wasn’t very good. But from now on, I’m going to always follow those guidelines.

  18. Hi Ms.Smith,
    I think the most important commenting guideline would be, “Make sure all your comments are appropriate and polite” because it’s always important to make sure nobody gets offended at what you have written. I think its such a good idea that you have posted commenting guidelines for kids and adults to look at and understand. I really enjoyed reading Charlie’s blog (10 Ways To Annoy Your Brother In Creative Ways!) about creative ways to annoy your brother it was really funny and it was really well produced. I’m really impressed at all the ideas he came up with to annoy a brother (I will have to try a few of them!)
    – Abbie N.

  19. Hi Ms. Smith,
    I really enjoyed reading all the Huzzahnian grads blog posts. I really enjoyed Nicholas’s blog post about how blogging has changed his life at school and home. He said it made him excited to learn and meet other people with blogs all of the world. His post was exciting and made me want to read more. It made me think of the commenting guidelines about how you have to make your comment worth reading. This guideline is important because no one wants to read a boring comment and no one will get to hear your opinion about the blog post. Thank you for reading my comment.

    1. Hey Talia!
      I so agree with you on that! The content of what you write is what makes your blog and blog posts worth reading. If it bores me and is, like, 40 paragraphs of nothingness, I’m NOT going to bother even trying to read it all.

      On Elysa’s blog, there is a recipe for theCoconut Macaroons she made. They were DELICIOUS! We could try them sometime!

  20. Hello Ms. Smith,

    I just finished reading Maya’s post for lunch monitoring and I found that it was really inspiring and I learned a lot for when I’m lunch monitoring the new kindergarten kiddies! I found that she did a really nice job on writing about lunch monitoring and I know that way she feels when all of the kids are running around and not listening. I thought she followed all of the guide lines really well and had some really nice writing. I really enjoyed reading Maya’s and Elysa’s post a lot and am even more exited to read more!

  21. Dear Ms Smith,
    I am super exited it start blogging on my own. The Huzzahnian grads really helped me think of ideas for my blogs. I have so many ideas now.

    Love, Cami

    1. Hi Cami,
      As soon as you get a few more quality comments under your belt, you will be good to go! I am glad you were inspired.
      Ms. Smith

      1. Thanks Ms. Smith!
        Not only the Huzzahnian grads help me but you do too. You’re a great role model for anyone starting blogging
        Love, Cami

  22. Mrs Smith
    So excited to see that you are back onboard and blogging and posting again (in New Zealand we’re three quarters of the way through the school year we don’t finish until December). I wanted to thank Liv D. for her FANTASTIC comment that she left on our class page in New Zealand. Our students have been blogging for most of the year but that’s a fantastic comment, with such detail and insight. Real quality moment. Thank you so much!

    Our students are currently on holiday because its the two weeks break between Terms Three and Term Four. We’ll be back to visit once our students are back (and we have our Lamb and Calf Agricultural Day for the first week back) once we’ve got some spare time as your site always been one of my favourites.
    Mr Webb and Room Three, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki, New Zealand

  23. Hi Ms. Smith,
    I was really happy when you told us about the commenting guidelines because I was confused on how to write a good comment. I think most of our class found it really helpful for writing the comments that will get us our blog. I’m really looking forward to when we get our own blogs and start posting our stuff.

  24. Hi Ms. Smith,
    That was a really good introduction, I was so inspired by Charlie’s blog.
    I hope my blog will be as good as his and I’m going to try some of the thing that he did.

    – Brooke J.

  25. Hi Ms. Smith
    That was a really good introduction, I was inspired by Charles blog.
    I am looking forward to blogging.

    -Rowan w

  26. Dear Ms. Smith,
    thank you for the nice introduction, I am inspired by Elysa’s blog. She has some of the jobs I would love to have when I am older. I am so excited start blogging on my own this year.


  27. Dear Ms. Smith and Huzzahnians,
    I am so glad to see you all blogging again, and by the number of posts, you have been very disciplined in your writing habits already this year. I loved this post because of the title and the photo of the baby bird. The title, “I’m New Here” really caught my eye because I am new at my school this year. After seven years at my “old” school, I am hatching from my protective, comfortable shell and opening my beak in a brand new nest. Reading your post reminded me of how many people start new school adventures. Students are almost always on a new adventure with new teachers, often new classmates, new books to read, and sometimes a whole new school. Teachers usually do not have to contend with so much newness, although their students are typically new from year to year. Adjusting to new routines, people, places, and books is not always a walk in the park, or from the baby bird’s point-of-view, an easy fly. Reading your blog makes me feel at home again.
    I think the most important commenting guideline is content. Explaining how you feel really establishes the connection between writer and reader; it’s what leads to pen pals and blogging buddies.
    I really enjoyed Faith’s post about recommended books entitled, “Books you really should read”. It inspired me to pick up the one about the Health Police! Sounds not too far from the truth! Congratulations on all the great traffic and comments that you found on this site, too.
    I will come back to visit again soon, and so will some of my “new” kids!
    Mrs. Donofrio

    1. Dearest Mrs. Donofrio,
      I am so very happy to hear your voice again. You have a way of getting right to the heart of the matter. I have imagined all the changes you have been through in moving to a new school, and although I know it is a time of great upheaval and of feeling off-balance, I know you will make your nest in your new surroundings. You won’t be new for very long!
      I completely agree and appreciate your focus on content: the message, the ideas in a comment are really at the heart of it. A quality comment should tell me that the comment-er actually read and thought about the post. It is easy to give a casual compliment (I like your blog) but takes more thought and effort to compose a meaningful response. I am looking forward to those sorts of comments from students on blogs this year.
      Again, my friend, I wish you well. Your school is so lucky to have you.
      Ms. Smith

    1. Hi Chloe,
      Thanks for visiting our class blog. I see by your blog that you are a very keen writer. I also notice that you have a lot in common with some of my students. Ayla seems to be singing all the time. Alinna, Talia, and Liv love performance. Cami is a swimmer. I think you will enjoy connecting with them. Their blogs are very new but I know they will have a lot to say over time.
      Thanks for your compliment,
      Ms. Smith

  28. Hi Ms Smith,
    I think that the most important commenting guideline is being kind, encouraging and positive because no one likes to be criticised but everyone likes to be complimented. I read Maya’s post on Being a Lunch Monitor. She wrote that it was a great experience but occasionally the grade 2 children that she supervised were slightly annoying. I thought that it was quality blogging because she engaged the reader by making them feel included in a conversation. The comments followed the guidelines, they were kind, positive and included questions to start conversations.

  29. Hi.
    My name is Darcey. I found your blog through ‘The Student Blogging Challenge’. I have just completed this weeks challenge, which is to read some of the blogs you have recommended. Wow! There was so much to read, each blog so unique and interesting in their own way. I had so much fun with this challenge. I ended up reading

    blogs. They were great! I’d love if you could check out my blog sometime. It’d be great to hear some advice on what I am doing. Here’s the link…


    Thanks 🙂

    1. Hi Darcey, I truly appreciate your efforts in reading and connecting with others through blogging. I saw your fantastic comments to Ethan, Sophie, Faith, and Greyson. Since these students are no longer actively blogging they might not see your comments, so I will paste them in a comment below this one. I’ll be sending students to read and connect with you.
      Best wishes,
      Ms. Smith

    2. [Comments from Darcey]
      –Hi Greyson.
      My name is Darcey. I found your blog through ‘The Student Blogging Challenge’. It seems really interesting! Wow! This is so detailed and interesting. I can’t say I’ve ever heard of a WWII German King Tiger Tank before your post, but now that I have, I am interested to know more!
      –Hi Sophie,
      My name is Darcey and I found your blog through ‘The Student Blogging Challenge’. It seems really interesting! I love to write – especially in my spare time. I too love pens, especially over pens! It allows my thoughts to glide over the page, unlike scratchy lead. Sorry – a bit random about my comment but still, I’d love for you to check out my blog sometime if you had the time.
      –Hi Ethan,
      My name is Darcey and I found your blog through ‘The Student Blogging Challenge’. I too, am very fond of playing video games, so I have quite an interest in your post! It’s clear that you’ve gone for some of less well known games (that is besides minecraft, of course!) I can’t wait to try these ones out now that I have your opinion on them. Super Smash Bros sounds awesome, especially having the chance to knock characters off into space! I will certainly give this one a go. 🙂
      –Hi Faith.
      I found your blog through ‘The Student Blogging Challenge’. I too, love books and writing. I have felt this way about literature since I was very little, so it’s cool to find someone else who is similar. Your blog is really cool – I have just looked at a couple of your posts (including this one!) I have noticed from the books you recommended that you have an interest for fantasy and adventure, when reading. The ‘Airborne’ book looks interesting – I’ll have to read it! Thanks for the recommendations. I also recommend The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins or for a different genre, The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak. I’d love for you to check out my blog, sometime. Here’s the link:
      Happy reading!

  30. Dear Mrs Smith,

    I really enjoyed the tasks that you have set us. I believe one of the most important guidelines of a commenter is keep on topic. Don’t drift away from what the post is about and try and keep on topic rather than go off and talk about other things.


  31. Hello everyone!
    When reading Faith’s post I learned that you have to be considerate in how other people might feel when reading your post.

    Rachel & Kelly & Haley

  32. Hello Ms. Smith,

    I think that the most important rule is digital privacy. I think this because it is always important to keep important information to yourself. If you post something personal it could be dangerous for you and everyone that lives around you.

  33. I read Maya’s blog and I understand being the grownup I have 4 younger brothers/sisters and usually when my parents leave I’m in charge of all of them so it is a big responsibility.

  34. hi mrs. smith I really like your new video it helped me out a lot i am hoping your gonna make a new one soon, i agree with the punctuation and grammer thing it makes it easier for people to understand what your saying.

  35. Hi Mrs. Smith I’m a student from another class I love how give your new bloggers a great idea in the beginning of your introduction to your class I hope you read this and share how you feel on my blog hope for the best that’s important in life.


  36. Hello Ms. Smith,

    After reading the commenting guidelines, I believe the most important rule is to not be rude in your comment. The worst thing you can do is discourage someone so they stop posting. If you don’t like what someone posted, just respectfully say why you disagree with what you say. I read the post “My Pets” on Liam’s blog. It was about his current pets and pets he had that have died. I found it very interesting that he has pet birds. I’ve always thought it would be fun having a pet bird but I’ve never gotten one. The comments followed the guidelines mostly. They were kind and respectful, discussed interests, and gave their opinion on the post. -Bradley

    1. Hi Bradley,
      I have very rarely come across rude comments on student or class blogs. I find that pretty fascinating. However, I have seen some silly comments ( I have a DAWG!!!!!!) and some boring ones (Nice blog, visit my blog). I have met Liam’s birds and they were very cute.
      Thanks for visiting and good luck with blogging,
      Ms. Smith

  37. Dear Ms.Smith,
    Well you certainly aren’t going to make it easy for a new blogger like me but I love challenges so why not. Well to day the most important commenting guideline to me is the one about being polite to people online. I think that because even if you don’t say it to their face it could still hurt their feelings, and you know it might actually hurt them more. And that I think is horrible. Next thing is the blogger’s name which was Faith( I choose it cause hey you got to have some ‘faith’, trust, and pixie dust) and her blog title was ‘Books You Should Really Read’. It’s about lots of books that she recommends to people and she actually read it. Some of the excellent qualities that I can learn from a past blogger is her sentence variety. She never kept it the same and always changed it up. It made it never boring to read and ever so tempting to get up from my comfy bed, go to the library and get the book, then read it! Also some things I noticed in the comments is that everyone is able to create these well constructed and interesting comments( except me ) that if I were their teacher they would get an A. Since you are extremely experinced and I figured I need the help here’s my link to my blog- http://hmsotomi.edublogs.org/2015/10/12/sbc-week-11-the-devil-and-the-angel/
    Thanks for reading my ridiculously long comment please come visit!

    1. Hi Otomi,
      Thanks for your thoughtful comment. You gave some serious thought to Faith’s post–and yes, there’s a bit of pixie dust in that girl. I am visiting your blog to leave a comment there.
      Best wishes in blogging,
      Ms. Smith

  38. I have read a couple of the blogs, and it is obviously important to stay on topic and to use correct spelling/gramer. But one thing they all do is have a unique topic witch seams to intrest them. I think it is imporntant to find a topic that intsest you!

  39. Hey Ms. Smith thanks for the help commenting. I like the way you put all those examples in to the blogs. Savion

  40. I think that a guide line should be, be nice to everyone. I was inspired by Charlie´s blog because I always like annoying my little brother but not going too far to the point of him hating me.

    I also was inspired by Elysa´s blog because she had some of the same things that I want to do in there.

  41. I found your blog through ‘The Student Blogging Challenge’. I have just completed this weeks challenge, which is to read some of the blogs you have recommended. Wow! There was so much to read, each blog so unique and interesting in their own way. http://ambers20.edublogs.org

  42. Hi Ms. Smith,
    Thank you for the introduction. If you are going to disagree always do it politely and respectfully. If you don’t people will think of you as a bad person. You don’t want people to think your always going to be disrespectful.

  43. Hello Mrs. Smith,

    I think that it is really important to compliment the writer of the post because it can help to boost their confidence and make them even more comfortable when blogging. I read Sophie’s blog post and it was titled, “Pens.” Her post was saying that her favorite schools item is a pen and I remember that blue is her favorite because it’s not too bright like a red pen and is not boring like a black pen.

    The URL to my blog if you want to check out some of my posts is:

  44. Hi Mrs. Smith,
    I think your post speaks the truth. When you’re new, you do look up to others for guidance.

  45. Dear Ms. W,

    I really enjoyed Ethan’s blog because he made a top 5 video games post and I really like video games.


  46. I think that being kind is an important rule to follow when commenting. One mean little comment can ruin a person’s entire day. People work hard to make their posts, and being careless with your comments really brings them down.

    Thank you for hearing my thoughts. My blog: http://isabelb21.edublogs.org/

  47. Hi Mrs. Smith and Huzzahnians,

    I mainly agree with the commenting guideline that states: if you disagree with something, be polite about it. I strongly agree to this because nobody wants to see your negative “feedback” on their post. You also should be polite about having a different opinion on something because you don’t want to give yourself and your class a bad reputation by making that one bad comment.

    My favorite of the students’ blogs was Maya’s. Her’s is my favorite because I was once in a situation somewhat like that. At my old school, the students that were 4-6 grade had to help out in the cafeteria with serving all of the students. I only stayed at that school until fourth grade, but it was fun being able to hang out in the cafeteria for a few hours. The only thing was that if a child was choking (which probably never happened in my time at the school), the adults that make the food would most likely have to take care of the issue. Seeing the phrase where Maya wrote “perform the Heimlich” was quite amusing for me.

    Happy blogging!


Comments are closed.