1. We miss you and will be ready to exchange comments as soon as you can peek around the corner again. You are in our thoughts!
    ~Mrs. Donofrio and her kids

      1. So glad to hear you are back at school. We will look for you again in the next couple of weeks, although I see you already have a new post today. Huzzah! Hooray!
        ~Mrs. Donofrio

          1. Sounds great! We await your arrival on the scene. Glad to have you back in action.

            ~Mrs. Donofrio and kids

    1. Hi Ariana, I too love kittens. They are so sweet–I love their big eyes and little mews. I have two dogs and I think they are pretty special. Thanks for commenting on our blog!
      ~Ms. Smith

  2. Hi, Ms. Smith!

    As a return blogger from last year, I’m really happy we’re doing this again! This fine new crop of bloggers is sure to crank out tons of fun, fresh, and FABULOUS posts! (Hmmm…I like that: The three Fs: Keep it Fun, Fresh and Fabulous!) I hope I can help with the training, especially in the “Commenting” section of things. Let’s do this!!

    (PS, that picture is ADORABLE.)

    1. Dear Faith,
      Yes, let’s keep it fun, fresh, and fabulous. I just don’t want it fiddly, frantic, or frustrating! I think you are an excellent role model in the commenting department. Let’s do this!
      Kittens are adorable. Isn’t the internet made up of adorable kittens?
      ~Ms. S.

  3. Hello Ms. Smith
    I like that saying. I can’t wait to start the new year of blogging and great school year. Can’t wait.
    Your Freind Cade.

  4. Hey!
    I was so excited to find out I was in your class. I remembered that you blogged and was overjoyed! I did blogging in Challenge last year so I know a lot about it, especially in the writing portion. I hope that I can start writing soon!

    (PS, Faith is right, that picture is ADORABLE.)

    1. I was excited when I found out you would be joining us, Maya! I am glad you are bringing blogging skills to Huzzah! I think you will be writing posts in another week or so.
      And, this post is further proof that the internet is full of cute kitties!
      ~Ms. Smith

  5. Hi Mrs. Smith
    I Cant wait for blogging to begin, I like that saying!!!
    And that cat is very cute.

    Your student Trevor

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