Our Year-Long Mission

Believe it or not, we do stuff here all day. Reading stuff, writing stuff, creating stuff, asking questions about stuff, talking about stuff, figuring stuff out. And we find people who know stuff and we get them to tell us about the stuff they do.

All this stuff, well, it would be worthless stuff if it wasn’t stuck together with meaning. Everything we do should lead us to more questions. Especially the Why? questions. Sticking stuff together is our purpose. Our year long mission is to CONNECT.

In thinking about this mission, we brainstormed the ways things, ideas, and people can connect, literally and metaphorically. Then we drew these ideas on puzzle pieces. Being devious, I didn’t tell students what the puzzle would make. And being truly evil, I forced my minions to solve the puzzle in total silence. It was fascinating to watch the hand waving, facial expressions, and written strategies. And, gosh, everyone was pretty excited when they finally figured the puzzle out.

Take a look at the process:

And here is the finished product:

Connect poster
We are serious thinkers.

Ok, not really.

We are fairly odd.

What’s your mission?

Drop us a line, we’d love to connect!


    1. We have also been discussing whether connecting is a human survival instinct or need. We think it is. Certainly, life is a lot sweeter when we connect! And Hi again, Mrs. Edwards. Really glad you stopped by!

  1. This activity is really, really, really, really cool! What a fantastic group project and what a wonderful mission!

    I agree that connecting is very important in becoming educated. Just like neurons in our brains connect to each other in a million different pathways (or maybe a trillion), whatever we learn can connect to other things we learn . . . if we create the connection.

    If we do create the connections, then everything we learn is part of a wonderful net of knowledge – and it keeps catching and connecting more and more things. It becomes easier to learn new things because there are more things to make a connection with. Learning is wonderful!

    What’s our mission here? We haven’t quite pinned it down yet, but I think it might be judgement. When we learn and we think (and we connect!) we are able to make better judgments about things – whether it’s problem solving with math, or writing an essay, or choosing a profession. Everything important requires judgement!

    We may end up copying your wonderful puzzle idea. Thank you for the inspiration! It was wonderful to connect with you!

    Ms. Tatiana

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful, encouraging reply, Ms. Tatiana. Yes, those neural connections are a fascinating part (maybe the root) of connection. Judgement and decision making are big processes that continue to evolve through our whole lives…Thanks again for visiting.

  2. I really like the writing and the Animoto video. The puzzle was very creative. Your dragon has moved! They are taking it all the way to Vancouver. I hope You will write again soon.

    1. Hi Mark, what exciting news about the Huzzahnian Dragon. Looks like he is in the right hands and will eventually make it to our province. What a thrill! I am glad you liked the puzzle, yes the Huzzahnians are a creative bunch. Thanks again for writing.

  3. Hello,
    Hey what’s up. This post is cool because it tells why it is good to connect. The animoto video is really awesome. The pictures really show how you think and solve things. I’m from Mr. Millers Blog. By the way the dragon has moved to Vancouver.

    1. Hi Michael, I have to agree, this group does think and solve things really effectively. I loved watching the way they huddled around to figure things out. About the Huzzahnian Dragon–oh my! What totally THRILLING news! We have a long weekend (our Thanksgiving) so the students won’t find out about this until Tuesday, unless they check this blog, of course! Thanks so much for sharing your great news!

  4. Just discovered your blog and thought it was fantastic! The pictures and video are very cute! I also loved the wellwisher board!
    I am an Australian teacher working in Brunei with local kids, and I am looking for some inspiration! Thanks for providing it!

    1. Hi! Thanks for visiting and for your kind compliments. I imagine your work in Brunei is fascinating. Please come back and tell us more if you can. Maybe we can find other ways to connect!

  5. Hello bloggers, I think your blog is vey creative. my class is starting a blog and may I ask what would be the best way to start of a new blog i would appreciate the advice.
    thanks and I wish you the best with your blog.

  6. Hello Bloggers,

    Just wanted to commend you on your awesome website and the work and projects that you have posted. I found them to be very interesting and creative.

    I can see that you don’t just post any and everything, like “Hey, I am eating cereal, and it’s getting soggy.” So, I was wondering if you have any advice on keeping up your blog and what topics to post that would get interaction from others.

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