I’m Showing You the Door

nicholas macgowan blue door tunisia


When you “show someone the door” you are usually asking them to leave. It’s an idiomatic expression.

I am not asking you to leave! I am showing you this door for other reasons. Maybe you have some thoughts about why, whether you are a graduating Huzzahnian, a new Huzzahnian, or a friendly, thoughtful visitor. Or maybe you have other idiomatic expressions to share. Please do!

Let me know what you are thinking. Drop a comment, leave a note. Come in, come in.

Image: Blue Door by Nicholas MacGowan


  1. hey ms smith! so i hear you have got some new bloggers coming this year.and yes i am still blogging. but i just havn’t put up that many posts latly so anyways. IM IN HIGHSCHOOL!!!!!! AhhHH!! it’s crazy. the hallways are packed and there are 973 stdents in the school and the lockers are cool and everythhing. i’ll be blogging more that im in school now so i hope that you and your new class has a great start to school!
    Signed: ~Masterpiece~

    1. Michael! How fab to hear from you!. Yes, it’s time for the bg school for you and I bet you will have the time of your life.
      We look forward to your encouraging comments this year, and I will be watching for your new posts!

  2. Hello,
    I am visiting your blog for the first time.
    I guess the open door to me represents the opportunities that the blogging challenge and the possibilities that global communication for our students will open up.
    I will ask my students to visit your student blogs

    1. I like your interpretation, Carol. An open door is certainly an opportunity to explore and learn. I see your students are already on that path–good luck with all you learn this year.

  3. Hey miss simth I like the new post mostly the photo last years was good to. I really hope you are blogging this year i know it was a blast last year.

  4. Hello Jan Smith,
    I find your blog very interesting!
    I think that your thoughts on the “door” subject were very interesting.
    That door is very beautiful! It reminds me of a door I saw in Morocco.
    Please visit my class blog .


    1. Sounds like you are a world traveler, Eli. The door is in Tunisia, not all that far from where you were in North Africa. I left a comment for you on your blog. Thanks for visiting!

  5. Dear Queen of the Universe,

    I do actually think of showing people the door as asking them to leave, but in this case it is not leaving the classroom it is leaving grade 5 and entering the adventure we call Grade 6.

  6. Hi Ms Smith

    What does the door mean? The design on the door is nice. Where did you find the picture? I would like the front door of my house to look like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Daniel, I found the picture on Flickr.com . Notice at the bottom of the post there is a link to the picture. I gave credit to the photographer who gave permission to use the image.

    2. Daniel
      I agree Daniel, the door is really cool. I do wonder where it is. I did see two knockers and a really cool doorknob on the open side of the door.


  7. Hi Ms. Smith,

    Why do people use idiomatic expressions? Is it because they are trying to say something without say different words so it might b understood or something like that? Please let me know because it would be a very interesting thing to find out?

    1. Hmmm, idiomatic expressions are part of our culture, and in fact the meaning doesn’t always translate from one language or another. I think it has a lot to do with human creativity and our need for nuance (Greyson, look that up.) I think we might need to Skype a linguist to find out.

  8. Hi its Ethan, i just wanted to say that door looks amazing, it looks like it is from the 1800’s Door that was made in India. Wow, the details on the door are beautiful. It sort of looks like the bricks paint is falling off. That sort of gives me an idea that it is old. Its time for me to go now, OK bye.

    1. I agree, the door looks ancient. It’s actually from North Africa, in a country called Tunisia. Did you notice there are three door knobs? Well, look here to find out why. Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Ethan.

  9. Hi Ms. Smith,
    Maybe this is a door to a school, or a classroom. Could it be somewhere in Pakistan? I like the knocker, and the gold design above the cool blue door.

  10. Thats a really cool door! I am Alyx and I have been to Canada many times. Is that door in your school? I want to be an architect when I am older and that would look cool with one of my buildings!


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