We Did Good

From my experience, most eleven year olds have a deep vein of empathy and the ability to imagine another person’s story. The flooding in Pakistan has moved all of us. But, as with our search for a peaceful world, we feel weak in the face of such an insurmountable catastrophe.

The good news is this: just because you can’t do a big thing, doesn’t mean you can’t do a little thing.

helpSo, how to do good?


We took some time to learn about Pakistan as few students had any background knowledge. We saw a beautiful video of the mountains and valleys of the country and realized how much like British Columbia it is.

We used atlases, books, websites, newspaper articles, and talked to our parents to learn more, and then we shared our learning. We discovered that most of our parents knew very little about Pakistan, but were as curious as we were.

We saw coverage of the flood. With 10 000 schools and 200 hospitals damaged or destroyed, and with the loss of the next few growing seasons we know that people are and will be suffering. We realized people’s basic needs for clean water, food, shelter, and medical care are not being met.


We used Wallwisher, an online note board to gather all of our ideas. This helped us narrow down our choices.


AsimWe Skyped with Asim Fayaz, a 22 year old entrepreneur and recent university graduate in Lahore, Pakistan. He gave us an account of how the floods have affected people throughout the country. Although our Skype connection was very shaky, he helped us to understand how serious and far reaching the flood’s effects have been. Asim seemed glad that we were paying attention to what was happening in his country and that we were willing to help.


We decided on a family movie night at our school as a way to have fun, share a bit of our learning, and to raise money toward a family survival pack, through DisasterAid Canada. This seems to be “something appropriate”, and something good we can DO. And because the Government of Canada is matching funds, we can effectively double our donation.

We were generously supported by local businesses, Quality Foods, Java Junction, and Aegis Realty, as well as the Parent Advisory Council. Energetic parents Tracy, Kim, and Rebecca did the heavy lifting and made the popcorn.

Everyone worked very hard to make the event a success. Popcorn bags were filled, cookies were baked, and juice and coffee were served.  Over 120 parents and children attended with blankets and pillows and lawn chairs. Everyone seemed to have a good time (despite some audio problems). I was very proud of the heart-felt presentation made by students before the movie began.

I had told the students going in that we might raise $200.00. They were thrilled to announce at the end of the night that we had raised $989.80! A donation of a few dollars extra put us over the top–$1000.00! We are grateful to our school community for their generosity; we know the money will be put to good use. Greyson wrote about the evening here.

All of this reminds me of a commercial about volunteerism and kindness from when I was growing up–do any adults remember it?

Do some good for the people
Who need your help.
Be a buddy
To a neighbour.
Make a sad face smile

Do good,
Do good,
It’s Brotherhood.
It feels so good to say, “I did good.”


  1. I am a teacher from Melbourne, Australia and I would like to congratulate everyone on a wonderful effort!!

    I am so impressed with the way you went about “doing good”. Learning about Pakistan and then the effects of the floods allowed you to really focus on the best way you could help. I loved the way you all worked together to carry out your fundraising and I’m sure you inspired many people along the way! Your $1000 is going to make a huge difference to the lives of the people who receive the Family Survival Pack. You have shown us that we can each make a difference in our own small way…

    Miss Y 🙂

    1. I think your library (and your library blog) will be a help in bringing that message home, Miss Y. There is so much in the way of fabulous children’s literature that reinforces that we are all connected and what we do affects us all.

  2. Hi Ms. Smith,

    In fact I do rest, for roughly 8 hours every night, maybe more but I tend not to count. It was amazing how much money we raised and I didn’t expect that much either from the beginning since $1000 is a lot of money for a school to raise. That night I actually could of slept better but I was too excited about how well we had done. It was amazing for me how fast the popcorn had sold because we had a lot of popcorn when we started and none when we ended which was amazing to see.

    What did you think of the sales?

    1. It is a huge amount for one class–let alone one school–to raise. I was thrilled with both the audience and the efficiency of the sales (popcorn, juice, cookies & coffee). I thought the whole thing flowed really well.

  3. Division 4

    You all did a great job planning, organizing and executing movie night. I am very proud to be associated with such a compassionate group of kids. You are a good example for all 6th graders everywhere.

    Keep up the great work


    Mrs. Crawford

  4. Sniff Sniff. Seeing these pictures of you makes me miss all of you! Mrs. Heselgrave and I have not got over having to say goodbye (or even see you soon) to you in June. However I feel so glad that you are all in the capable (if not bossy and queenly) hands of Mrs. Smith. Thank you all for working so hard to raise awareness and money for the Pakistan flood victims. You are the perfect, group – so kind empathetic, caring – to be looking out for other people.

    I am enjoying my new job, but missing my teaching and student friends at your school deeply. I get to see Jordyn and Nicholas every week at my new school. My own children give me hugs everyday (well maybe not my grade sixer) when I am at their school.

    Take care and see you soon,

    Mrs Swift

    1. Hi Mrs.Swift
      I am really missing you here at are school,I wish you never left. The fundraiser was so much fun there were cookies, juice, popcorn, and coffee selling. It is very different having other grades here but I am okay with it. Mrs. Smith is so much fun.
      See you soon

      1. Hello Amber, I bet everyone benefitted from your great organizational skills at the fundraiser and I hope you didn’t eat too many cookies.

        I know Mrs. Smith is fun. She makes all the teachers laugh too!

    2. Hi Mrs.Swift, is it fun at your new school? I hope you enjoy it there. We are having fun here at Lazo. We all learned so much with this project. If you want my opinion, I liked making the posters most fun. Soon we will be getting blogs (I will get mine on Friday) so be sure to visit it! Talk to you soon, Meghan

      1. Of course I want your opinion! I’m not surprised that the poster was your favourite part with your amazing art skills. I will visit your blog. Yes I like my new schools a lot (I am at 3 – Puntledge, Miracle Beach and Aspen).

    3. HI Mrs.Swift, I have missed you so much. It was really fun doing the fundraiser and we raised alot of money.
      Are you having a fun time teaching at your new school? I am having lots of with Mrs.Smith and the rest of my class.

      1. Maya you always have fun wherever you go! How is soccer? Will I see you on the ski hill this year? I’m glad you enjoyed the fundraiser and that everyone worked so hard at making it such a success.

        1. Yes, I am loving soccer I just finished a soccer tournerment in Victoria. You prabolly will see me on the mountain but I have lots of soccer going through the winter so it won’t be as much.

          Miss you lots Maya

    4. Hi Mrs. Swift, its so good to talk to you again. How do you like your new school? I hope you come back one day because it will never be the same with out you,Mrs. Parish and Mrs. Schoenfelder. We all miss you. I hope you like the changes. See you later.


      1. ORION! I miss your silly grin, dancing in the halls and happy attitude. I love my new schools, but it will never be the same as yours!

      1. Don’t worry – be happy! I loved your grin in the video and thought of all your clever jokes and witty comments last year. I bet Mrs. Smith enjoys that – I know how much fun she likes to have.

  5. Hi Mrs.Smith I had alot of fun doing the fundraiser. If you think about the word fundraser it is FUNdraiser it was a Fun way to Raise money.
    I am really glad we did that, it gave me a good tingly feeling inside to know that we were helping people in need. I also felt good and sad when you told us that Asim said “it feels good to know that somebody really cares about us.” Thanks for teaching me about Pakistan.
    From Maya

    1. Maya, how clever! I like the idea of a FUNdraiser–let’s keep that in mind. Yes, it does make me feel tingly too when we achieve so much. Thank you for learning about Pakistan, Maya!

  6. Hi there,
    Even though I missed the fundraiser, I am glad that we raised so much money,but I have already seen monsters vs aliens. What do you think that the people in Pakistan are saying right now? Three cheers for relief!

  7. Hi Ms.Smith

    1000 dollars is a lot of money I think it will go far and everyone will be thankful for that boost of money in Pakistan!


  8. Wow who knew so little could do so much.I never knew floods were so bad.I thought that only a few people got hurt but no so many people got hurt.

  9. I think that was awesome, the movie was good, with a few technical difficulties with sound! I was selling beverages and it was fun actually.I noticed that no one was having a not-so-great time. It’s great that we raised over $1000 dollars, now we definitely can get a shelter box for some Pakistani’s, but I wasn’t very happy that the government doubles it but doesn’t double it for the charity we chose.I was suprised at how much we raised, I really didn’t think we would raise even $500, it was a success!

  10. Sniff Sniff. I miss you to Mrs. Swift. I am glad that you are enjoying your new school. Ms. Smith is really fabulous, and very young and tall, too. She is typing because I lost my last comment, so you know you can trust her.
    You, Ms. Smith and Mrs. Heselgrave are my favourite teachers so far (that was from Ethan, not Ms. Smith!)

    1. I completely trust Mrs. Smith. About the fabulous part – of course! About the young part – she is 29 and holding. About the tall part – ask her about her special chair in the staffroom!

      Ethan you made my day regarding the favourite teacher part. I might get to look after Keegan’s cat.

  11. Hello Mrs Swift, I miss you, it is good that you are enjoying your new school, I had fun last year with you and Mrs Heslegrave. I hope you come back or even visit someday, hope I see you soon. Matt

    1. Yes, I will come back to visit. I miss you too and your calm and confident demeanour in the class! I was a very lucky teacher to have you in my class! How is hockey or have you started yet?

  12. I miss you too Mrs Swift. But I am real glad you are enjoying working at your new school and if you ever want to stop by at our school be sure to stop by at your class to say hi. Sniff, sniff now I am going to cry.
    Good bye.

    yours truly,

    1. Your class is the first place I would visit! Don’t cry Darion – just give me one of your great hugs when I see you. Thanks for your hard work at the fundraiser. I’m sure if you had your way you would bring all the people without homes to your house to stay! Are you doing any plays right now?

  13. Wow! Room 11 is awed by your efforts and dedication to such a worthy cause. We are impressed with your organization and the way you focused your efforts into researching and finding something that was “doable.” We will try to follow your example sometime this year!

    Thank you!

    Mrs. T and Room 11 Bobcats

    1. Thank you for the lovely comment, Mrs. T. We appreciate it. We like the name of your blog. We are glad that you are inspired by what we did and hope that your fundraisers will be a success! Ethan, Andrew, Jordan, Darion & Greyson

  14. Dear Huzzah,
    It’s nice to connect with Canadians! I’m a Canadian myself, from London, Ontario. I’m currently teaching Gr.5 in Bangkok at International School Bangkok.
    We are a class of 20 Gr.5s and really enjoy your blog!
    I’m personally wondering if you teach me how you embedded your wallwisher. When I embed mine, it scrambles all the post-its the students put up even after I’ve arranged them. Do you know how to make them “stick”? Thanks!
    Miss B.

  15. Hello Huzzah.
    That is so cool that you raised $989.80 for Pakistan.
    Our class did a Entrepreneure fair to learn how to do money and make crafts out of materials, but I didn’t like it and I don’t want to tell why I didn’t like it.
    Did you enjoy selling that stuff?

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