I try hard not to over-use adjectives, but sometimes there is only one best word, and I find myself saying it again and again.
The past few days have been thrilling. Webcast with Yes I Can! Science Canadians in Space and astronaut Clay Anderson: thrilling. Having long-time blogger Paul Hamilton visit us: thrilling. Skyping Hobart & Miss Wyatt’s class: thrilling. Soon you’ll read great posts about these experiences on the student blogs.
And then we learned (during the webcast, actually) that we had been nominated for an Edublog Award–woot! We are in some pretty amazing company: take a look at the nominees here. Of course we would love it if you (friends, family, blog readers, pet rabbits, paper clips) voted for us–but there is that democratic right to choose we learned about.
There is only one vote per IP address. The school shares one IP address, so we have voted our one vote in that category. That means students vote from home, and parents vote from work… or from iphones, apparently, but don’t ask me how!
Voting closes Saturday, December 20 at 4pm Pacific, so go take a look at the ballot and cast your vote!
Image: Scared? by brocha
Congratulations on your nomination! That’s awesome 🙂 I can’t wait to show my class your blog tomorrow. Oh, and if you are interested in Skype-ing North Carolina, just let us know!
@ Mrs. Hines,
Thanks for dropping by! I left a note on your blog, and hope your students drop by again. We are learning that blogging is “hard fun”: a fair amount of work that yields great rewards, including connecting with people around the world.
We have learned Skyping is a lot of fun, too!
Congratulations! How exciting for you and your students! Good luck!
I would like to congradulate you on being nominated i must be such an honor i was just on Nadines blog another nominee i really hope you win good luck.
bye from Kim
I’m cointha from Australia!!
I really like your blog and am glad you got nominated!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 😉 🙂
I have already voted for you so I thought I had better drop in and say so!
Well, better go now!!
PS: I also have a blog and you can visit it at http://cointhaw.edublogs.org
Way to go Jan!! It looks awesome. You and your students should be very proud indeed!! I hope you all have a great holiday.