Comment like a Pro!

We have been reading and commenting on blogs for about a month and the experience is helping us become professional in our approach to blogging. We are learning and connecting with each comment we write, receive, and reply to. Here are some of the essentials of commenting, according to Huzzahnian bloggers.

World neighbours, did we miss anything? Please add your thoughts on quality commenting. 

Huzzahnians, search our blogroll and past commenters–who comments like a pro? Write a comment about them and tell why, and link to their blog–today is our first day to play with html code. Read Sue Water’s how-to on making a link in a comment, then you’ll know what to do with this  <a href=””>on our class blog!</a>

Bonne chance!



  1. I think you’re completely correct with your slide show! This is really good advice. I have been blogging with Mrs Braidwood’s class for a year now and I have been checking up on your blog ever since. I think all your posts are great, especially this one because you’re teaching all the new bloggers how to leave a good comment. Thanks.

    1. Hi Dakota

      I also think this post is good because it teaches new bloggers how to comment well. Did you like my advice?


  2. Hello Mrs. Smith,
    I am from Mrs. Braidwood’s class. This post is very helpful. I like with your commenting guidelines. Our classes guidelines our a lot like your classes. I think it is really important to write a quality comment!

    1. Hi Kaylee,
      In a way it’s not surprising that your guidelines are like ours or others out there–there are some pretty universal ideas about blogging: make your comment count, think about the post and the blogger. You are well on your way to being a terrific blogger. 🙂
      Ms. S.

  3. Hi my name is Lupita and I am in Mr.Miller’s Avid class. Commenting is defiantly a big part of blogging. Especially if you want to get visitors. I have been blogging since last year and I think it is very fun to make new friends all over the world. It is amazing what people can do by using the power of the internet. Hopefully this comment is a good one. What is your favorite part of blogging?

    – Lupita

    1. Hi Lupita,
      My name is Reece and I am from Huzzah. I have been blogging since last year too. I like to blog to. My favourite part about blogging is to make new friends from different cities are even different countries. What is your favourite part of blogging?
      Keep up the good comments.

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