(Guest Post by Mr. Laurie, student teacher)
Today, Huzzanians embarked on a mission to infer. We began our journey with a collaborative lesson between Mrs. Swift (our school”s curriculum support teacher) and myself, Mr. Laurie (a student teacher from Vancouver Island University). Our lesson’s mission was to introduce the concept of inferring in a fun and engaging way.
Mrs. Swift started by showing a picture of a young girl who was ecstatic about something she had found in a book. We had to use our background knowledge to identify the objects in the picture and infer their purpose in the image. Huzzanians caught on fast. By the time I pulled out my backpack full of wonders, they were pulling out inferences from everywhere. The clove of garlic, the sea shell, the Genie lamp… Huzzanians had been enticed into making up elaborate stories of my travels and intentions. With just a few simple objects they were able to infer a great deal.
I am very proud of their work. Huzzanians kept on task and worked well, sharing their ideas freely with their fellow classmates. This class has proven that by working together we can accomplish far more than we can on our own.
Infer on, Huzzanians!!
Hi Huzzah!
I so love your blog. I borrowed your layout idea with my 7th graders – giving them each their own blog and listing it on the right.- I am wondering if I could also borrow your ‘commenting guidelines’ and the terrific message that begins, “our blog is an invitation to see what we are up to…” – u are an inspirational educator. Thanks for all you do! Your students are really lucky to have you. And, Happy Olympics.
Thank you for having me in your class. I so enjoyed your enthusiasm for inferring! You were fantastic. Mr. Laurie it was fun to teach with you as well. The best part of my job is to work with other teachers and with all the students in the school. Looking forward to more inference making with you.