Monthly Archives: November 2009

Haven’t got a clue…

…about what to write?

0385 _jakedobkinWell, good thing there is so much inspiration around here!

Our blogs are just over two month old. Many students have written more than a dozen posts during that time (as well as two pages). Although they are creative writers with a wide range of interests and experiences, some students are feeling a bit stuck for a new topic about which to write.

Never fear, Division 4 is here!

The fresh ideas you need are right in our classroom. Please read the following, prepared to “piggyback” on some creative bloggers. How can you take these ideas, stretch them, twist them, and make them your own?

You have a lot to say, and we, your loyal fans, love to hear from you!

Image: IMG_0385 by jakebodkin

Guest Post: Myths and Superstitions

This year’s first guest post is by  Solana and Lizzie . Huzzahnians, if you would like to guest post, let Ms. Smith know!
7 Years Of Bad Luck If You Break A Mirror 7 Years Of Bad Luck If You Break A Mirror

Some people are superstitious and believe in things like breaking a mirror will give you 7 years of bad luck ! Also that Friday the 13th is bad luck, if a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck, stepping on a spider will make it rain and -walking under a ladder will give you bad luck… we think that most of these aren’t true. Here are some facts…

1. Lizzie – I have broken a mirror before and almost no bad things have happened to me.

2. Solana –  I got my report card on Friday the 13th and got two A’s !

3. Lizzie – I have a black cat. She has crossed my path thousands of times!

4. Lizzie – I hate spiders so I have squished them a lot! It has NEVER rained when I have done it.

5. Solana – Nothing happened when I walked under a ladder.

Do you have any superstitons? What do you have to prove that one is fake… or true… We would like to know.

Image: Smashed by magnetomotive

Looking for a good read?

just like daddy _roger smithCurl up with any of these fabulous books:

Do you like fantasy adventure stories with dragons and quests? Josh, Mason, Greyson, and Savannah have some suggestions. Or fantasy adventure without dragons? Priya has a book for you.

Do you like to be creeped out by horror stories? Read Ben‘s post.

How about novels set in a not-so-bright future: Danny and Riley have some hot titles.

Survivor fan? See what Solana recommends.

How do you feel about a book that is made into a movie? Read Lizzie’s opinion.

Are you a Wimpy Kid fan? John and Tyrone have reviews.

Bet there are a few Twilight fans out there: read expert opinions from Tyler and Tat (coming soon).

Do you enjoy a trip down memory lane to the books of your childhood? Rosa chats about a famous meal.

How about the “Teen Drama” genre: Payton has a book for you.

If you like books that make you feel sad, check out Jaiden and Rebekah’s posts.

Remember Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? How about these Dahl classics, reviewed by Eric.

Our avid readers will continue to give updates on the best of kids’ books…come back for more!

Image: Just Like Daddy from Roger Smith

Howlin’ Halloween Happenin’ 2009

We celebrated Halloween in style–and with a lot of great energy! Thanks to Sue, Celine, and Susan for spending the afternoon with us and joining in the fun. We are grateful for all the goodies families sent in for us to munch on, and thank Mr. Laurie, too, for helping us throughout the week. He’ll be back at the end of November. See you then!