Drop Everything and Read!

DEAR_2009 This is a classroom of readers.

Many students pop open a book first thing everyday and get ten or fifteen minutes of reading done before the school day starts. I often over-hear students talking to each other about the books they are reading.

To add a special something to our regular silent reading time, we will be taking over the library once again. Blankets, pillows, and really great books will be the perfect combination for a relaxed reading experience.

Huzzahnians, you job this week is to recommend a really good read.  It can be any genre, and can even be a book you might recommend to a younger reader. Think like someone who is browsing the stacks: what can you tell them that will make them reach for this really good book?

Call your post DEAR Reader, then include the title and author of your book as a size 3 heading. Tell your readers what makes this book so good. Is it the plot, the characters, the setting? Is it the writer’s way with words?  Please include a thumbnail image of the book cover–because you are writing about the book as a reviewer would, using the image is considered “fair use” so attribution is not necessary.

Your posts will be a help to anyone who has ever thought…hmmm, I can’t find anything to read.


  1. This blog is such a great way for students to respond online. The activities you are doing in your classroom represent the use of integrated technology – so engaging for students! Congratulations on a job well done.
    I’m a teacher in Maryland- we are not yet permitted to blog with our students but we are getting there!

    1. Thank you, Sarah for the encouragement. What I am most excited about is the commitment these students are showing to their commenting and connecting, and how clearly their voices speak through their writing. Thank you for taking the time to comment, and best wishes in “getting there!”

  2. Wonderful blog! As I was reading your blog, this post about your DEAR time intrigues me. Recently, I have had my fourth graders become more accountable with their independant reading time. I have the children write summaries after they finish books, take Accelerated Reader test, and we conference regularly. Does your class do anything like this? If so, what? I would love to hear about it. Good reading to you. – Mr. Fletcher in central Illinois, USA

    1. Hi Mr. Fletcher, thanks for stopping by. I have inherited a group of willing, passionate readers. They really value our silent reading time each day. You can tell by their reviews on their individual blogs that they have strong feelings about the books they choose. I am investigating using SHELFARI as a place to post reviews of books. Right now we are big on “word of mouth”, informal “this is a great book because…” conversations at the end of silent reading. I am not familiar with Accelerated Reader. I do need to make more time for conferences…ah, must create more islands of time!

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